December 11, 2012

Various Film Merchandise

When a popular movie is released there is usually a line of screaming fans behind it. Movie industry also make money from soliciting their movie through various merchandise that they sell. Sometimes film studios make more profit from selling film-related merchandise than they do from the actual film itself. Film related merchandise can be anything like posters, t-shirts, jewelry, action figures and on. Some examples of films that have made major profits off of their merchandise are "Harry Potter", "Star Wars", "Batman", "Toy Story", and "Lord of the Rings". Major studios have learned to use movie related products to not only generate revenue, but utilize the products to promote and solicit an upcoming film. Almost nearly forty percent of a films merchandise is sold before the movie is released. An example of an entertainment company that heavily uses merchandising is Disney. Licensed products represented nearly $66.5 billon in retail sales in 1990 and has grown to nearly $110 billion. It is estimated that $16 billion dollars of that is derived from the film industry.  

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